Why us?

  • Concept, Idea & MVP

    What should the app do? How can we construct the app to reach our target audience? We’ll help you concretize your ideas and define your goals. This means working together to create a prioritized list of features, technological specifications and application requirements. If the concept is already in place, we offer feedback and suggestions from both a technological and conceptual perspective.

  • UX & Design

    We don't need to point out how important UX and design is in every app. We think that high quality usability, interaction and animation are most effective alongside an intuitive design. That's why we create stunning mobile designs, while still complying to the existing brand identity.

  • "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

    Steve Jobs

  • All Platforms

    With our broad experience we develop your application specifically for your chosen platform. Whether iOS or Android you can look forward to a tailor-made solution for your phone, tablet, smartwatch or smart tv.

  • Development

    Cross-platform or native development, we have the know-how to turn your app into something special. We develop apps that are robust, of high performance and seamlessly integrate with existing software infrastructures while using all possibilities of your mobile device. Like that, users can access data and functions in a simple and quick way.

  • Continuous Updates

    Right from the very beginning we provide you with daily insights. It's immensely important to us to keep you up to date throughout the whole process. Simply install the latest version of the app on your personal device and watch your idea evolving!

  • Iterative Process

    Although some concepts look amazing on paper, they sometimes fail to deliver on digital screens. Our experience has shown that transparent communication and close cooperation ensure the best results. Working together guarantees that the product meets (and hopefully even beats) your expectations.

  • Testing & Launch

    We are allergic to bugs! We do not upload the app to the App Store and the Play Store until it is heavily tested and therefore bullet proof. If a resilient bug nevertheless manages to sneak through, we would be here to react quickly and provide you with an update.

  • App Store Optimization

    More than 60% of downloaded apps are discovered by browsing through the App Store / Play store. The higher your app ranks in an app store’s search results, the more visible it is to potential customers. We guide you how to come up with the best titles, keywords, descriptions and more strategies to increase your app visibility.

  • Analytics

    By monitoring and evaluating the usage of the app we get a better understanding of how people actually use it. That reveals where further optimization makes sense and which features users enjoy the most.

Our technology stack


Questions? Feel free to contact us